George Hobica

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Why Flight Attendants Show You How to Use a Seatbelt

George Hobica - June 15, 2016
If you fly on a commercial airliner and listen to the safety demo (most people…
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8 Ways to Save on Summer Travel

George Hobica - May 18, 2016
The summer travel season is fast approaching and we've found that more and more travelers…
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Why Thai Food Tastes Better In Thailand Than Anywhere Else

George Hobica - May 16, 2016
Anyone who cooks knows that even one ingredient, however small, can make or break a…
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Don't Let Long TSA Lines Make You Miss Your Flight

George Hobica - May 12, 2016
You’ve probably already heard horror stories about unusually long TSA security lines at airports, which…
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How Using Alternate Airports Can Slash Your Travel Costs

George Hobica - May 6, 2016
When searching for airfares, too many consumers put on blinders when choosing an airport to…
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Look What American Airlines Has Done to Your Frequent Flier Miles

George Hobica - April 26, 2016
Since I “divide my time” between New York City and Los Angeles, I fly trans-continental…
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Tips on Tipping When Traveling

George Hobica - April 21, 2016
To tip or not to tip, and if yes, when and how much for what…
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How To Make Travel Insurance Better

George Hobica - April 19, 2016
Over the years, I've received both praise for, and complaints about, the travel insurance industry:…
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In Appreciation of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner

George Hobica - April 7, 2016
When it first launched, and even before that, there were hiccups with Boeing’s 787 program.…
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The Best Video "Game" Ever: A Real Flight Simulator

George Hobica - April 4, 2016
What video game could ever compare with manning the controls of a multi-million dollar flight…