Caroline Morse, Author at Airfarewatchdog Blog | Page 2 of 8

Caroline Morse

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8 Simple Rules for Being a Good Traveler

Caroline Morse - August 5, 2016
There's plenty of destination specific advice out there. But I want to offer you some…
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Lightweight Shoes Perfect for Packing

Caroline Morse - July 20, 2016
My motto: the lighter the shoes, the more pairs I can pack (and still be…
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8 Tiny Backup Batteries That Could Save Your Trip

Caroline Morse - June 22, 2016
I rely on my smartphone for pretty much everything these days—it's a GPS, camera, and…
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12 Lies You Tell Yourself While Traveling

Caroline Morse - June 22, 2016
We all do it sometimes—tell ourselves little white lies while traveling. Some of them are…
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The One Lie You Should Always Tell While Traveling

Caroline Morse - May 17, 2016
Traveling solo? Don't tell everyone that. There's no harm in inventing a little white lie…
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10 Tiny Gadgets That Will Help You Sleep on the Plane

Caroline Morse - May 11, 2016
Can't sleep on the plane? Falling and staying asleep isn't always easy when you're traveling.…

8 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Health While Traveling

Caroline Morse - May 4, 2016
How many times have you come home from a great vacation with an unwanted souvenir…
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The One Hack That Will Save You Hundreds While Traveling

Caroline Morse - April 27, 2016
Things I hate: Searching for a no-fee ATM, cash-only establishments, and foreign exchange fees.

Our Favorite Travel Sandal Trends for Summer

Caroline Morse - April 27, 2016
What do you have planned this spring and summer? Whether it's hiking, walking for miles…

Moral Dilemmas: Should You Do These Things While Traveling?

Caroline Morse - April 13, 2016
When we travel, we face moral dilemmas small (should we have housekeeping replace our towels…