Q. My grandson has purchased a one-way ticket from Los Angeles to Paris, via Copenhagen. Are there no restrictions against traveling abroad on a one-way ticket?
A. There's no rule against flying to the European Union from the United States on a one-way ticket. Passport control will sometimes question arriving passengers, asking where they plan to stay and for how long, etc., but it's perfectly fine to admit to having a one-way ticket just so long as it's made clear that there are no plans to stay beyond the allowed 90-day visa.
Fees for changing dates on a return ticket can be awfully expensive. If your grandson isn't quite sure when he wants to return home or even what city he'll be in when he does decide it's time to come home, flying on a one-way ticket could be the better option. Still, it's a good idea to have some loose plan of what cities he might want to return from, sticking to airports serviced by low cost carriers where it's easy to find a cheap fare back to the States (Copenhagen, Paris, London, Oslo, Stockholm...).