Sun Country's "Wing It" Sale is valid for travel on scattered dates from/to Minneapolis/St. Paul through mid-December.
Exact dates available vary by route so be sure to check our fare details for more informaion. This sale is over tonight at 11:59pm Central time, but seats may sell out quickly.
Fares include:
Minneapolis/St. Paul to Las Vegas $137 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Minneapolis/St. Paul to Los Angeles $157 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Minneapolis/St. Paul to San Francisco $177 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Minneapolis/St. Paul to Seattle $137 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Minneapolis/St. Paul to Boston $157 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Minneapolis/St. Paul to New York $177 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Minneapolis/St. Paul to Chicago $97 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Minneapolis/St. Paul to San Diego $157 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Minneapolis/St. Paul to Orlando $167 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Minneapolis/St. Paul to Fort Myers $167 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Lansing to Minneapolis/St. Paul $117 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Lansing to Washington D.C. $117 round-trip, nonstop, including taxes
Sun Country image via Shutterstock