Q. Does the TSA allow hiking poles to be carried on planes? I've seen conflicting information online - and apparently the regulations were going to be changed to allow it at some point, but the TSA site says they're prohibited. Would love to have an answer to this before my upcoming trip.
A. Implementation of the change in prohibited items is currently delayed, and still being refined.
According to the TSA, "Certain sporting and hobby equipment cannot be brought on-board aircraft. For example, baseball bates, bows and arrows, cricket bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, pool cues, ski poles, hiking poles, and spear guns are prohibited and not allowed as carry-on items. Although these items are prohibited from carry-on baggage, they may be transported in checked baggage. Any sharp objects in checked baggage should be sheathed or securely wrapped to prevent injury to baggage handlers and security screeners."
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