Q. Is there a fee for carry on luggage?
A. Currently, only two airlines charge. Small but growing Allegiant Airlines charges between $10 and $35 for a carryon bag weighing no more than 25 lbs. and measuring no more than 9 in. by 14 in. by 22 in. The fee varies depending on the route you fly and is assessed per segment (a segment is a take off and landing). Spirit Airlines, another small low-cost carrier, currently charges $20 for carryon bags if paid for before check in, or $25 if paid for at check in. Fees are $10 higher for bags paid for at the airport counter and and are $45 if paid for at the airport gate. Those fees will go up by $5 effective Nov. 6, 2012. So you could conceivably pay up to $100 round-trip if you don’t pay for your cabin bag. Whether other airlines will follow suit is anyone’s guess, but Hawaiian Airlines sometimes weighs carryon bags as passengers board planes and their weight limit is 25 lbs., which while not a “fee” will result in a checked bag fee if a bag weighs more than the limit.