Save on travel to Myrtle Beach with new nonstop flights from Vistion Airlines. Travel is valid from May 31 through June 25.
One-way fares start at $99. Baggage fees are an additional $15 per segment for the first item and $20 per segment for each additional item when purchased prior to check-in.
Fares include:
Cincinnati to Myrtle Beach $218 round-trip, including all taxes
Cleveland to Myrtle Beach $198 round-trip, including all taxes
Columbus to Myrtle Beach $198 round-trip, including all taxes
Indianapolis to Myrtle Beach $198 round-trip, including all taxes
Louisville to Myrtle Beach $198 round-trip, including all taxes
Nashville to Myrtle Beach $198 round-trip, including all taxes
Springfield to Myrtle Beach $298 round-trip, including all taxes
Toledo to Myrtle Beach $198 round-trip, including all taxes