The experts are reporting that airline traffic is going to decline this fall, and it looks like JetBlue is trying to drum up business with what quite frankly is a fantastic offer.
Register for
this promotion, and you'll get a $50 discount coupon on JetBlue if you book a roundtrip flight online by September 18 and travel by Oct. 15. The $50 coupon is good for travel between Dec. 1, 2007 and Feb. 13, 2008, except Dec. 19 to Jan. 7 (naturally). It may be used on round-trip or one-way fares.
But here's where the deal gets sweeter:
You'll get 20 bonus TrueBlue frequent flyer points for every roundtrip flight you fly during the promo period Dec. 1-Feb. 13). It takes 100 points to get a free roundtrip on JetBlue, and you'll also accrue the usual points for each flight.