Many airport, convention, and newspaper web sites display Airfarewatchdog airfare listings. Although some of these organizations use our famous widget, others prefer to use our RSS feeds. If you don't know what an RSS feed is, you can learn all about it here. If you do know however, and would like to access our feeds, it's quite easy to do.

Let's say you were a smart marketing guru working at Experience Columbus, the Columbus Visitors and Convention Bureau, and you wanted more people to visit and convene. Obviously, showing potential tourists and conventioneers how ridiculously cheap it is to fly into Columbus would be a plus. So you'd want to show low airfares (Airfarewatchdog-confirmed super deals, preferably, but it's a free country). To do so, you could establish a fare display using the following RSS code

Where cmh is, of course, the three letter airport code for Columbus, OH and the direction is inbound (arrival into CMH).

Now, the smart cookies over at the Columbus Airport do indeed display Airfarewatchdog fares on their web site (75 smart cookie airports actuially do this), so they would use

showing fares out of the city.

You can also plug any RSS code into an RSS reader, such as those offered by Google, Apple, and others.

Any questions, class? If so, please email us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.

All products and services mentioned on Airfarewatchdog are independently selected by our team of expert travelers. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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