Looking for a cheap weekend flight to Hawaii? Fly nonstop from Los Angeles to Honolulu for $312 roundtrip by stringing together flights on United and Sun Country.

Travel Availability

I found a flight on United departing Los Angeles LAX on Thursday, May 2, for $163 one-way. For the return flight, I found a flight on Sun Country from Honolulu HNL back to LA on Sunday, May 5, for $149 one-way. The total roundtrip fare adds up to $312.

Other weekend travel dates in May are going for around $368 roundtrip on multiple carriers.

And if you want to go for a whole week, it's even cheaper by booking both legs on Sun Country for $298 roundtrip for travel on Saturdays and Sundays only in May.


This fare only includes one small personal item. Checked bag fees start at $30 each way. Adding a carry-on bag on Sun Country costs $30 one-way. To add a carry-on bag on United, you'll need to purchase a standard Economy fare, which is $30 more.

Seat Assignments

Seats will be assigned at random upon check-in for this price. You may pay a fee to choose a specific seat.

Alternate Fares

You can purchase the same one-way fare on Alaska on the outbound flight, which will include a carry-on bag, but it is an early morning flight, which means another full day off work. United has a few flights throughout the day for this price and if you want to purchase a standard Economy fare, it's only $30 more. This will include a full-size carry-on bag, standard seat selection, and allow ticket changes/upgrades for a fee. The return flight must be on Sun Country for this price. For $368 roundtrip, you can purchase Alaska's Saver fare in both directions, which includes a carry-on bag plus a personal item.

See our fare details for booking info.

Looking for a hotel in Honolulu? Hotelwatchdog will get you started with this list of available accommodation for the weekend dates mentioned.

For more weekend travel deals from your city, make sure to have a look at our new and improved Weekender search tool.

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