From now until June 30, 2018, when booking a flight on five-star airline Cathay Pacific, you can save 5% off the total price by entering: SUMMER into the discount code field on Cathay's website.
While 5% isn't the most eye-popping savings, it will shave off some decent dough on the pricier fares. With many Cathay routes over $1000 roundtrip from the East Coast, I figure you'll save at least $50 on each ticket. Again while it's not the most amazing promo we've come across, any bit helps.
The discount is only valid for Cathay Pacific operated flights originating in Boston (BOS), New York (JFK), and Newark (EWR); travel must be to a destination in Asia. This discount can only be redeemed for roundtrip Economy and Premium Economy tickets. Departures must take places between June 1 and August 14, 2018.
If you have any summer plans to visit Asia and have booked yet, keep this code in mind. It will be valid for the next month, so there's no rush to book now.