Save 15% on winter flights with the current two-day sale from JetBlue.
Enter promo code RECESS to apply the 15% discount to base fares. This sale is valid for travel from January 10 through February 14, and again from February 26 through March 14.
Additional rules and restrictions will vary by route, so be sure to check our fare details for specifics.
Flights must be booked by December 13.
Fares include:
New York to Las Vegas $190 round-trip
New York to Los Angeles $240 round-trip
New York to San Francisco $206 round-trip
New York to Denver $129 round-trip
New York to Portland $206 round-trip
Boston to Las Vegas $256 round-trip
Boston to Los Angeles $214 round-trip
Boston to San Francisco $248 round-trip
Boston to San Diego $240 round-trip