Q. I can't figure out how to register to use your site. I want to leave a comment on some of the blog postings. Can you fill me in?
A: Actually, you don't need to register to use our site or to leave comments. To leave a comment, for example on this blog post about airline fees, simply click on Discussion: 2 Comments (or however many comments there might be) and post the comment if you are already registered/signed in; or if you're not registered (again, you don't need to be), enter your screen name, add your comment, and click on the add comment button. Your web site is optional ( we ask for your email address but it doesn't appear in the comments, and we don't use it for anything except to track you down if you spam us, so please don't do that!). To leave a comment on a Q&A, like this one, you do need to be registered however. We hope to change that soon. Hope that helps!