Save on international travel with the current batch of flight deals from Qatar Airways.
Rules and restrictions may vary slightly by route, with the majority valid for travel from January 11 through May 14.
A minimum stay of 7 days is required, with an allowed maximum stay of 4 months.
Tickets must be booked by Sunday, December 25.
Fares include:
New York to Dubai $630 round-trip
New York to Addis Ababa $771 round-trip
Atlanta to Abu Dhabi $696 round-trip
Atlanta to Amman $874 round-trip
Atlanta to Dubai $764 round-trip
Atlanta to Addis Ababa $825 round-trip
Atlanta to Nairobi $687 round-trip
Boston to Colombo $776 round-trip
Boston to Dubai $630 round-trip
Miami to Nairobi $834 round-trip
Philadelphia to Nairobi $791 round-trip
Washington DC to Dubai $596 round-trip
Chicago to Dubai $630 round-trip
Chicago to Nairobi $699 round-trip
Dallas to Dubai $608 round-trip
Los Angeles to Abu Dhabi $630 round-trip
Los Angeles to Dubai $630 round-trip