Save on flights to South Africa with the current sale from Delta Air Lines.
Fares from US cities start at $732 round-trip, valid for departures from November 1 through March 31. Travel must be complete by June 29.
Blackout dates will vary slightly by route. See our fare details for specific rules and restrictions.
Tickets must be booked by October 20.
Fares include:
Washington DC to Johannesburg $732 round-trip
Boston to Johannesburg $810 round-trip
Newark to Johannesburg $877 round-trip
Los Angeles to Johannesburg $910 round-trip
San Francisco to Johannesburg $910 round-trip
Indianapolis to Johannesburg $993 round-trip
Orlando to Johannesburg $1,156 round-trip
Minneapolis to Johannesburg $1,033 round-trip
See our Johannesburg JNB fare listings for a complete look at current deals from all over the US.