We have the latest weekend fares for you from United, American, and US Airways. Most are valid for departure on Friday or Saturday, returning the following Monday or Tuesday.
Check our Fare Details for rules and restrictions.
Seats tend to go fast, so hurry!
Newark to Atlanta $228 round-trip including taxes
Washington D.C. to indianapolis $168 round-trip including taxes
San Diego to San Francisco $168 round-trip including taxes
Chicago to Cincinnati $230 round-trip including taxes
Laredo to Dallas $250 round-trip including taxes
Lexington to Chicago $240 round-trip including taxes
Philadelphia to Milwaukee $280 round-trip including taxes
Charlotte to Louisville $240 round-trip including taxes
Philadelphia to Grand Rapids $270 round-trip including taxes
Los Angeles to Monterey, CA $230 round-trip including taxes
Above image via Shutterstock